Today I am going to share about how to get more sales and more reviews which is literally everything on Fiverr and all of this is going to be wrapped up into a philosophy of doing business. I think too many sellers ignore and that is a proactive philosophy to doing business. Many people create gig pages and they simply put it out on Fiverr and they wait and they wait for people to come and that's not a great way to do business waiting for people to just come and place their orders. you have to simply go out there and grab the bull by the horns to get something done. That's why my strategy for getting more sales and reviews has to do with proactive communication
I have found that people can just kind of forget about things and some people cannot do things they intend to do or want to do. so first we're going to learn about how to get more sales with a proactive approach to communication. I believe outside of delivering a quality product your communication style, rhythm, and attitude all of those things will determine your success in Fiverr as a seller. These things will determine whether you have many sales with a lot of reviews or fewer sales with few reviews.
So we're gonna focus on three phases of communication at three specific times in the cycle. so that you can develop a rhythm that works for you and you might need to adjust these a little for your specific service but I think they're going to work for almost everybody.
A buyer who sends you a message considering your service.
90% of sales on Fiverr come through my inbox and I think it's because people just want to have contact with you rather than just click a button and place the order. When a buyer sends you a message via Fiverr chatbox that’s where you can really build a good impression in the buyer’s mind and it will also determine how many sales you make at the end of the day. Communication is key when it comes to sales. Whenever a buyer reaches you try to craft a great answer to each and every single question and make sure to highlight the key differentiators or why are you different from other sellers in Fiverr. So you should try to increase your conversion with buyers. Don’t send them all information that covers 4-5 pages. When you are responding to a buyer try to provide information very shortly which allows a buyer to read it in 30-45 seconds. You also should try to ask questions from the buyer which draws the buyer to respond back to you and continue the conversation.
When a buyer sends you a message but doesn’t reply to your messages
In this scenario, buyers may not respond to you at all or they may respond to you after a while and this has happened to many Fiverr sellers. In this type of situation, if a buyer doesn’t respond, you can start with 24 hours follow up. Here you have to simply send a message to the buyer by saying did you receive the information that I have sent you because some buyers send messages to few sellers at the same time and they might have forgotten from whom they asked the questions or they might not have enough time to respond to all the messages. When you send a message to them your message might put you back at the top of the pile and it would remind them that they have messaged you. Still, if you don’t receive a reply from them send them a message in the next 2 days as well but the buyer should not feel that you are desperate to have the order. On the 3rd day of follow up give them a special offer which will make opportunities to get replies from them but still they don’t reply to you it's better to leave those buyers or forget about them. In this way, you can convert semi-interested buyers into actual buyers.
Follow up process for reviews and ratings after delivering the project
when it comes to reviews and ratings you have to deliver the final project to the buyer. The sales process started when a buyer sends you a message or when a buyer places an order. Similarly, the review process starts with your delivery and it is the beginning of the review follow-up process. After you delivered your final project some buyers just collect the project and they leave without giving their feedbacks and ratings. So at first, you should have a feeling that this buyer might give a good rating and feedback but if you don’t think that a buyer wouldn’t give a positive rating or review it is better not to encourage them to leave feedbacks and ratings. You must follow up with those buyers that would give you positive feedback and ratings. First, there is 24 hours follow-up if you have delivered the project and there is no response which happens a lot, and no requests for revisions or edits. After 24 hours you can send a message to the buyer and let him know that you have delivered the final project and Fiverr will automatically complete the order if he doesn’t collect it. If he still doesn’t respond you can send him a message for the next 3 days and encourage them to collect the final project and leave a review. If he still doesn’t respond it's better to stop the follow-up process and forget about that review and feedback.
During this process make sure to be humble and kind and doesn’t disturb the clients but inform clients and give them the opportunity to leave you a good review and rating