How To Cancel An Order On Fiverr Without Effecting Your Order Completion Rate


As a Fiverr seller, your first priority should be to satisfy your clients. But in some situations, the only option is to cancel the order. Order cancellation on Fiverr may result in reducing your order completion rate which is really important to survive on Fiverr. However, there are some cases where Fiverr customer support will help you to cancel the order without affecting your order completion rate.

Different types of order cancellations

  • Buyer cancellation - The buyer can cancel the order when a Fiverr seller fails to deliver the order in time. This affects your order completion rate so always make sure that you deliver your order on time. However, if you have delivered the order in time and the buyer still wants to cancel the order then in that case you have to go to the Fiverr resolution center to solve the issue and most of the time Fiverr takes the buyer's side and they would cancel the order which will affect to your order completion rate. Besides you also get 1-star feedback from Fiverr customer support
  • Seller requested cancellation - A seller can request an order cancellation when the buyer doesn't respond to the seller's messages and this will not affect your order completion rate.
  • Mutual cancellation - When the buyer and seller both agree to cancel the order they can go for a mutual cancellation. This may or may not affect your order completion rate depending on the case. Here are some common cases which will not affect your order completion rate.
  1. fraudulent purchases

  2. Buyers ordering by mistake

  3. The seller does not have enough information to start working on an order

How to cancel the order

Step 1 - scroll down to the footer section of Fiverr website and select help and support as shown in the screenshot
Step 2 - Now again scroll down and click customer support
Step 3 - Select "Selling on Fiverr"

Step 4 - Select "orders"

Step 5 - Select "Current orders"
Step 6 - Select "Cancel an order"
Step 7 - Select "I still need help"

Step 8 -  Fill the following form and submit the details. Fiverr customer support will reply you within 2-3 hours

How to avoid fiverr order cancellation

Be active before the dispute arise 

Most of the time on Fiverr customer reaches out via Fiverr chat box and inquire about what exactly they need. So at that particular point, you have to be exceptionally clear about what you offer, your pricing, and project duration to avoid problems. Besides you can show your portfolio to clients to let them understand what you offer.

Make sure to have an FAQ on your gig

Fiverr recently added an FAQ feature that comes in handy when something goes wrong with you and your client. But unfortunately, most Fiverr sellers just ignore this feature. So when something does happen you can always point that out to the client and say you have already mentioned it on faqs and settle the dispute.

Common reasons for Fiverr Order Cancellations

A buyer asks something different than what was previously discussed after you delivered the order

This is one of the worst things that a Fiverr seller can happen and a difficult situation to deal with. First, you can share the screenshots of what you discussed earlier and point them back and tell “ well this is what you asked earlier and I delivered what you have asked for” When you do this most of the time clients come up with different excuses and they may still demand the same requirement. so at this point, you can let the client know about your revision policy and he may have to pay some extra charge to get what he wants. 80% of cases clients may agree and be willing to pay the upgrade fee or the extra fee,

One thing that you must keep in your mind during this whole process is that you deal with the client in a polite manner so you can use the words such as “ I am sorry if you are confused “ or “ I am surprised how your directions have changed“ and so on.  This way you can make them understand that it is their mistake, not yours. This strategy only works if you are 100% sure that you have exactly followed the client’s instructions and delivered the exact order they have asked for. So first you have to self-evaluate before you get into this strategy.


A buyer has ordered from a wrong package 

This is another scenario that happens due to the lack of communication between the client and the seller. In this situation, you have made your client understand your pricing and process and have a clear conversation. At the end of the conversation, you can just send a gig extra upgrade package to your client. If they don’t want to upgrade the package you can make them clear what they have ordered and deliver the order according to the package they ordered. If the clients ask for a discount and you are not willing to offer a discount then you can send something like as below,

“I don’t offer discounts because my prices are set to reflect the quality and consistency of my work. Thanks !”

A buyer asks for too many revisions 

Another massive annoying problem is when buyers go beyond their revision requests. If you have limited revisions requests with your packages let the client know how many revisions you offer with the package. When you are doing the revisions ask the questions from the client and understand what he is asking revision for. After everything is clear you can start to do the revisions. This way you can avoid doing revisions multiple times. If the client still demands the revisions you can always go back and show them the revision messages he sent earlier. That way clients can’t fool around you. But as I said earlier you have to be 100% sure that you did the revisions exactly as they requested.

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